Friday, August 28, 2009


A little ditty I wrote while in Indonesia. It sort of sums up my adventure through southeast Asia:

flying fish, palm trees, rocks, sand, sun, chickens, acne, dirty water, coral, meat markets, birds, language, motorcycles, families, dirt, soap, mosques, chanting, shouting, "hey mister who are you?", monkeys, curry, noodles, sandals, water, sweat, Purell, maaf, tsunami, mosquito repellent, flies, goats, boats, butterflies, rain, camera, hands, faces, wiping my ass with my hand, islam, feet, the most interesting odors, burnt skin, calluses, eating with my hands, planes, babies, banana pancakes, diga boys, fishermen, laughing at Eddie and Linda, Eda, Eka, Zul, Pa Kong, Salim, Upit, Cathal, Bhenazir Bhutto is dead, 3 year anniversary, diarrhea, bootleg DVDs, Shangri-la, bottoms of your feet, left-handed handshake, cats, traffic, soccer, buleh buleh, bungalows, hammocks, bed bugs, antibiotics, e-mail mom, christmas, cloves, whiskey, islands, fireworks, earthquake, fried rice, snorkeling, no pork, chumi chumi, whatchu know about that?, mosquito nets, sunrise, Ebo, sarongs, coke bottle bong, out door shower, Bintang, nasi gorang, bombay palace, taxis, air asia, locals, hotel china town, shredding, poolside, Petronas towers, Extra Joss!, Pocari Sweat, duty-free, humidity, Tokyo, trains, Shibuya, fancy meager portions, the most expensive cab ride ever, lights.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Digital and Indonesia

I believe I truly committed to being an artist on the most inspiring trip of my life when I traveled with two friends to Banda Aceh, Indonesia in the winter of 2007. Coincidentally this was my first real experience with a digital SLR camera. I enjoy black and white darkroom photography more than anything but when traveling swiftly in dirty and humid countries the advantages of digital are obvious due to the amount of spontaneity they allow. At this time I am detached from all of my negatives and prints but I will be reunited with them soon. The beginning installments of photos on this site will all be digital. I find this hard to believe considering my past disdain for the digital image. But it is fitting. In a way some of this work marks the end of the beginning for me as an artist. It seems only fair that I start from here.

doin this art thang

Hello all. My name is Eric Douglas Breeding and I am currently a first year MFA student at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York studying photography. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and received my undergraduate degree from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. I am 23 years old. My intent with this blog is to create a forum not only to display my work and the different processes entailed in producing it, but to allow myself to have a space in which i can show some of my inspiration, interests and viewpoints while hopefully receiving feedback. I would describe myself as a conceptual night photographer. But as a photographer it is my job to look at everything with a unique view and shoot everything that interests me. You will not only see black and white night photographs here. Nor will this be a professional blog. I will design this blog with the intent of it being fun and interesting. my website which is currently in the works will be a portal to the professional side of my art. I will include much more information at a later date. For now here is a picture I took in Balmorhea, Texas.